Nola Musicians for Palestine

Bil Afrah Medley


These are selections from the famous 1975 recording Bil Afrah which are instrumental versions of charished love songs from the Arab World.

Form/Arrangement Notes

Starts with Drums: |DTTDT-|

A - 'Melody' part has the lead line
B - All play the melody line

A - 'Accompaniment' part has the lead line
B - All play melody line

Loop |: AB :| Individuals or sections can be pointed to to take the A section as a feature

On Cue take the 2nd ending of B
At this point either we can hold the last note of B and have a solo over it or start Maksum |D--T--T-| for a chanting section

C - 'Melody' part has the lead line and 'Accompaniment' does backgrounds
C' - 'Accomp' part has the lead line and 'Melody' does backgrounds

Loop |: C :| Point for features. If you're featured play the melody line, otherwise play the backgrounds

Ending on Cue



