Leve Palestina
Swedish band Kofia, lyrics say “free palestine and crush zionism”
Form/Arrangement Notes
Intro - Claps and Vocal call + response |T-T-T-T-|T-T-TTT-|
(yea, not what the chart says... ignore the intro there)
Stop/hit on last "Krossas" of response before we enter the Chorus "Leve, Leve" - but instrumental
Chorus [A] - All Play (Rhythm: Malfuf |D--T--T-|)
Feature [B] - Point to feature for instrumental call + response
Loop |: A, B :|
Cue Drums (stay on malfuf) for chants
come back to Loop A
Cue Claps and vocals (like intro)
- Leve Palestina-Accompaniment_(Bb)
- Leve Palestina-Accompaniment_(Bb)_(Bass_Clef)
- Leve Palestina-Accompaniment_(C)
- Leve Palestina-Accompaniment_(C)_(Bass_Clef)
- Leve Palestina-Accompaniment_(Eb)
- Leve Palestina-Accompaniment_(Eb)_(Bass_Clef)
- Leve Palestina-Bass_(Bb)
- Leve Palestina-Bass_(Bb)_(Bass_Clef)
- Leve Palestina-Bass_(C)
- Leve Palestina-Bass_(C)_(Bass_Clef)
- Leve Palestina-Bass_(Eb)
- Leve Palestina-Bass_(Eb)_(Bass_Clef)
- Leve Palestina-Melody_(Bb)
- Leve Palestina-Melody_(C)
- Leve Palestina-Melody_(Eb)
- Leve Palestina-Percussion
- Leve Palestina