Nola Musicians for Palestine

Introductory Post

The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) and the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) National Committee have called for local city councils to pass ceasefire resolutions. While these resolutions are non-binding on federal powers, they are useful in creating a public forum for community members to express support for Palestine and urge lawmakers to change their position.

Community members and organizations involved in the local Ceasefire Resolution campaign show up to the New Orleans City Council “Regular Meetings” that occur every other Thursday beginning at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall, 1300 Perdido St. Organizers are present at the meetings with signs to distribute for attendees to hold up, and to assist in understanding the public comment process. All you have to do is show up and speak to an organizer at the meeting if you’d like to get more involved.

Posts on upcoming public comment are regularly shared to the following Instagram accounts:

View excerpts from public comments given by community members at Regular Meetings in April and May.